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Future And Destiny - Based on Guru Ramdas's Lectures on Purpose of Your Birth

  Future And Destiny

  Language - English

  Author: AMAR Anup Thinktank

  ISBN 9781311458209

  Copyright: AMAR Anup Thinktank 2014.

  Copyright: This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in part or whole, in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the author.

  Preface: This eBook is a part of series based on Guru Ramdas's discussions. Guru Ramdas's lectures deal with the purpose of our birth and how to achieve that purpose.

  This eBook is based on the teachings of Guru Ramdas of India; one of the most enlightened and tells the difference between your future and your destiny. It also helps you understand how to change your destiny if you want to.

  Guru Ramdas is said to have received the creator's word by experiences through many lifetimes and then he was told to spread it to other humans to help them achieve the purpose of their lives.

  Our other books include - All based on discussions by Guru Ramdas -

  1. Cycle of life

  2. Your deeds and you

  3. Purpose of your birth

  4. Hell

  5. Why are we born?

  6. Body and soul

  7. You will power and how not to use it

  8. Your body

  9. The Devil

  10. Maya

  11. What to do

  12. What not to do

  13. How to prepare for the journey after this life

  14. Respect

  15. I am the Creator

  16. Dasses

  17. Lost souls

  18. The judgment day

  19. Be strong

  20. My design

  21. Death

  22. Union

  23. Understanding your life

  24. Ruler and the ruled

  25. I eagerly await your return

  All these are available from most eBook stores including Amazon kindle.


  Future And Destiny


  In a very famous book from ancient India (Gita) it is said that your future is prewritten for you. What is written in the book is a conversation between archer Arjun and Lord Krishna. The conversation described in this book is over five thousand (by some estimates thirty thousand) years old. (The city where Krishna lived at that time was bigger than Manhattan and is dated by archaeologists to be over 30000, thirty thousand, years old - History channel.)


  Based on this statement that your future is prewritten for you some even suggest that we should not do any efforts as our future is prewritten and whatever has to happen will happen and it cannot be changed.


  This is another example where the creator in his kindness and wisdom showed us the path and we try to see only what we want to see to take the easy way out.


  Yes. Our future is prewritten. That is given. However our destiny is not prewritten. We are the ones given the opportunity to write our own destiny. Future is like the road and the destiny is like the destination. And our life is the road trip. It is the choices that we will make, in choosing the options on the road of life, that we will reach one destiny or another. It is our choices that will result into whether our soul is freed to go back to the heaven to be with the creator and rule the galaxies and the planets or will need to go to hell and travel through many live forms giving us opportunity to learn compassion and kindness that we can succeed in the test the next time we have the opportunity.


  To understand the difference between the future and the destiny for you, imagine that you are at the foothill of a relatively flat and vast sized mountain range and there are many paths crisscrossing this mountain range. You are alone and have to cross this range to reach the other side of the range. You cannot walk back or retrace your steps and also you can see only that far in front of and around you. The other side of the mountain range has many villages not connected with each other.


  You have no option but to walk forward (life) and that too alone. You start walking the mountain range and when you come to a crossroad or intersection you look around and make a decision to choose one or the other path. You do it over and over, again and again, may be hundreds of thousands to millions of time. The final outcome of your journey will be dependent on what decisions you made when you had a choice when you came across those forks in the paths (roads) that you traveled during the journey of life.


  Did you choose the path that looked easy? Did you choose the path that had fragrant flowers and delicious fruit trees lined beautiful comfortable roads or did you choose the path which was difficult. Path where, may be, you had to make sacrifice and work harder. Path that was not as comfortable as the other path; a path where you had to stop and help others in need. What did you choose again and again over the period of the journey (of your life) will determine where you ultimately reach. You may reach the village (village) at one end of the mountain range or the village at the other end of the mountain range or may reach any other village (destination) in between.


  We are actually traveling the mountain range every day since we are born. In everyday of our life we are given options many times a day. Each choice of option takes us to the next scene in our future. Like what happens in a video game your next scene is dependent on your previous one and what you did or did not do. The mountain range is our life and just as paths are already marked on the mountain range our future is already prewritten for us. We make choices of those paths on a daily basis hundreds to thousands of times in a year and many more times during the lifetime.


  Those choices during the lifetime have the opportunity to take us to different destinations. We may either reach one end of the mountain range that our soul is liberated to go back to the creator in heaven as we have succeeded in achieving the purpose of our life or we may reach the other end where we have no choice but to pass through the layers of hell learning compassion and kindness during this time ultimately to be reborn as a human and take the test of life again (for more on test of life see another eBook 'Test of Life').


  Let me share with you a story I was told as a child. This story may further help you understand the difference between future and destiny.


  In the snow covered hills of Himalaya one evening there was a severe snowstorm with howling winds and blowing snow in all direction. Visibility was very low too. Two Buddhist priests were walking fast to reach their monastery (temple or church) which was about five miles away; a place where they could get shelter, warmth and food. Suddenly one priest stumbled upon something in the middle of the road. A closer inspection by the priests showed that it was some traveler who had fallen in the snow some time ago, was severely cold and almost dead because of the cold. The first priest said that this traveler was old and almost dead. They should continue with their journey without him or they will not be able to reach the monastery in time before the night starts and if they took this traveler with them they too may die because they will not be able to reach the monastery in time. The second priest however did not want to leave the old injured traveler alone. So he decided to carry this injured traveler on his shoulder. The first priest did not want to be late in reaching the monastery so he just walked away walking fast towards the monastery. By the time the second priest reached the monastery it was midnight. The old injured tra
veler he carried on his shoulder died after a few minutes of reaching the monastery. The second priest inquired about the well being of the first priest and was told that the first priest never reached the monastery. A search party later found the first priest's dead body half a mile or so away from the monastery. Due to extreme cold the first priest had died but the second priest because he was carrying the old injured traveler on his shoulder survived as his walk was more like an exercise.


  The future for both the priests was written in advance. It was even identical for both of them that they will come across an injured traveler in the middle of a fierce snowstorm. However, choices they made individually were different making them reach different destinies.


  Whenever you come across a situation in the road of life you will have two to three options. First will be to do good or the right thing, the second will be to do bad or the wrong thing and the third may be to do nothing. What choices you make in that instance and many others after that will decide your destiny not only in this life but beyond it too.

  Will you cheat your neighbor when you have that opportunity? Will you hurt that person or the animal as you could? Will you hurt others as you have the power to do so? Will you not give a poor his or her right as you are in control? Will you steal as no one is looking? Will you speak badly about others as they are not there or cannot respond? Or will you be kind and compassionate to all. Give others 110% of what they deserve. Help the poor and the needy. Speak only good things about others. Will not steal even if you can. Will not hurt others even if you can. Respect all life. We come across these situations hundreds of times a day. We have an option to make the right choice, wrong choice or do nothing. I want you to start making the right choice this moment onwards if you are not doing so. I want you to change your destiny and if you were not walking in the right direction now is the time to make that change.

  Keep this map of the mountain range in your mind all the time. Whenever you have to make a decision think about where the path you are going to choose will take you. Will it take you towards the destiny you want or will it take you away from it. And then choose the path that will take you closer to your destiny. Make it a habit to do so and very soon you will be walking towards the destiny of your choice.


  Your future is already written for you. Now go ahead and reach a destiny you were born to achieve by succeeding in the test of your life.

  My prayers are with you.

  Now you can understand this better.



  *** The End***

  PS - If you did not feel this book was worth the price you spent buying it please feel free to return it. We will be glad that at least you read it. Same is true for all our books.

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  May the creator bless you for reading it!


  Many other books from our author think tank -

  1. Curse of Wall Street and What Can Be Done About it?

  2. Path to Freedom - Guru Ramdas

  3. Relativity of Morality - A. B. Anup

  4. Doctrine of Happiness and Where Sigmund Freud Went Wrong - - AMAR Anup

  5. Why do People Turn to Homosexuality - AMAR Anup

  6. Coming Armageddon and How to Escape it - AAMR Anup

  7. What is Love Exactly - AMAR Anup

  8. The Day The Earth Split and Venus and Mercury Were Formed - AMAR Anup

  9. How Was Grand Canyon Formed - AMAR Anup

  10. How to Predict Secondary Earthquake - AMAR Anup

  11. Why Are We Born? - AMAR Anup

  12. Hell - AMAR Anup

  13. Why Forgive and How? - AMAR Anup

  14. Your Deeds and You - AMAR Anup

  15. Future and Destiny for You - AMAR Anup

  16. Will Power - AMAR Anup

  17. Devil and Maya - AMAR Anup

  18. Matrix Cube Organizations - AMAR Anup

  19. Understanding Man and Women Made Easy - AMAR Anup

  20. Why is Jodi Arias Not Guilty - AMAR Anup

  Best Possible Tax System For All World - AMAR Anup

  Keep your eyes open for all these and many more eBooks that may change your very life.

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  Best Wishes

  *** The End***

  PS - If you did not feel this book was worth the price you spent buying it please feel free to return it. We will be glad that at least you read it. Same is true for all our books.

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